Omni Arena Game Rules

1. Official Game Rules

These official Game Rules ("Game Rules") govern the rules for competitive play of certain Omni Arena games that are used for Omni Arena prize contests ("Contests" or "Contest") organized by Virtuix Inc. or any of its affiliates (collectively, "Virtuix" or "we"). These Game Rules complement the Official Rules listed on the Omni Arena player website at You are required to read and understand both these Game Rules and Official Rules (together, the "Contest Rules") before you can participate in any Contests. You must accept these Contest Rules in order to participate as a player and member of a team ("Team") in Contests (respectively, "Player" and "Team Member"), and you must abide by these Contest Rules in order to remain eligible to play in Contests and receive prizes. We make every effort to ensure the rules are complete and up to date, but this may not always be the case. If you have any questions about the rules, please contact us at

2. Core Defense

In Core Defense, a single player ("Single Player") or a Team competes for the highest score on the game leaderboard. Points can be won in the following ways:

1. Kill an enemy robot:

  • 100 points for killing a "Grunt"
  • 500 points for killing a "Drone"
  • 1,000 points for killing a "Tank"

2. Kill an enemy robot via a headshot, grenade, or with any of the special weapons available for pick-up in the arena:

  • 100 points (these are in addition to the basic "kill-a-robot" points described in (1) above)

3. Kill the enemy "boss" (in level "Metropolis") or two "bosses" (in level "Coliseum") in the third game round:

  • 7,500 points if the boss was killed (3,750 points per boss in Coliseum)
  • 5,000 points if the boss was not killed but caused medium damage (2,500 points per boss in Coliseum)
  • 2,500 points if the boss was not killed but caused low damage (1,250 points per boss in Coliseum)

4. Shoot a bonus "star" that appears in the arena every 15 seconds for 5 seconds: 2,000 points

5. Maintain the health of the "Power Core" in the arena:

  • 7,500 points if the Power Core survives and remains in high health
  • 5,000 points if the Power Core survives and remains in medium health
  • 2,500 points if the Power Core survives and remains in low health

The final Single Player or Team score is the total score achieved after completing the three rounds of one Core Defense game.

In the event of a tie, the tied entries will be sorted as follows:

  1. By the highest number of epic kills (i.e., kills with a headshot, grenade, or with any of the special weapons available for pick-up in the arena)
  2. By the date/time the score was submitted. Earlier entries are placed higher than later entries.

3. Blackbeard

In Blackbeard, a single player ("Single Player") or a Team competes for the highest score on the game leaderboard. Points can be won in the following ways:

1. Collect treasure scattered around the map

  • 100 points per pouch of gold collected
  • 500 points per gem collected
  • 1,000 points per treasure chest collected

2. Kill an enemy "skeleton"

  • 500 points for killing a skeleton in Trials 1 and 4
  • 5,000 points for killing a skeleton with an explosive barrel in Trial 2

3. Shoot one of the hidden "treasure maps" scattered around the map

  • 2,500 points per hidden treasure map

4. Complete a symbol sequence in trial 3 by pressing the symbols in the specified order

  • 10,000 points per completed sequence

5. Earn a time bonus by completing a symbol sequence in trial 3 in less than 5 seconds

  • 2,000 points per second of completion time below 5 seconds

6. Defeat "Captain Blackbeard" before the end of trial 4

  • 15,000 points for defeating Captain Blackbeard

7. Players lose points each time they are damaged by an enemy (the team's score cannot be reduced below 0)

  • -10 points per hit by a skeleton sword
  • -10 points per hit by a skeleton pistol shot
  • -20 points per hit by a skeleton grenade launcher
  • -50 points per hit by Blackbeard's sword
  • -50 points per hit by Blackbeard's grenade launcher

The game dynamically sets a difficulty level depending on the team's performance in trial 1. If the team is placed in the "easy" difficulty, certain score values are reduced.

The final Single Player or Team score is the total score achieved after completing all 4 trials of one Blackbeard game.

In the event of a tie, the tied entries will be sorted as follows:

  1. By the date/time the score was submitted. Earlier entries are placed higher than later entries.

4. Dead Zone

In Dead Zone, a single player ("Single Player") or a Team competes for the highest score on the game leaderboard. Points can be won in the following ways:

1. Kill an enemy "zombie": 100 points

2. Collect one of the "supply crates" scattered around the map: 2,000 points

The player will lose points if they are hit by a zombie:

1. -10 points per hit by a zombie.

2. -101 points when damaged while in the inner radius of an explosion (0 ft. - 20 ft.)

3. -1 point when damaged while in the outer radius of an explosion (20 ft - 40 ft.)

The final Single Player or Team score is the total score achieved after completing the two rounds of one Dead Zone game.

In the event of a tie, the tied entries will be sorted as follows:

  1. By the date/time the score was submitted. Earlier entries are placed higher than later entries.

5. Gunslinger

In Gunslinger, a single player ("Single Player") or a Team competes for the highest score on the game leaderboard. Points can be won in the following ways:

1. Kill or destroy an enemy:

  • 100 points for killing an "Outlaw"
  • 500 points for destroying an "Airship"
  • 1,000 points for destroying an "Explosive Cart"

2. Kill an enemy via a headshot, explosion, shotgun, or dynamite launcher:

  • 100 points (these are in addition to the basic "kill" points described in (1) above)

3. Defeat "Carmichael" before the end of the second half:

  • 7,500 points for defeating Carmichael

4. Secure stolen gold by running over it:

  • 2,000 points

5. Maintain "Supplies Remaining" in the center of the town:

  • 100 points x % supplies remaining (e.g., 100 points x 64% supplies remaining = 6,400 points)

The final Single Player or Team score is the total score achieved after completing both halves of one Gunslinger game.

In the event of a tie, the tied entries will be sorted as follows:

  1. By the highest number of epic kills (i.e., kills with a headshot, explosive barrels, or with any of the special weapons available for pick-up)
  2. By the date/time the score was submitted. Earlier entries are placed higher than later entries.